How can the CISI help your organisation?

The CISI works with organisations of all sizes worldwide to support you in meeting your objectives.

Our strong links to regulators and governments allow us to stay ahead of the latest developments in the financial services industry. Thousands of organisations across the world trust us to work with them to help meet their requirements – whether that is through benchmarking competency with world-renowned CISI qualifications, upskilling staff on the latest financial services through CPD and learning or working towards achieving Chartered or Accredited status.

We will work with you to provide bespoke, practical, and affordable solutions through globally recognised CISI membership, learning, and qualifications. We can also help you reduce the administrative burden when evidencing your compliance with regulatory requirements through our Superuser tools.

Whatever your goals are, we are here to support your organisation every step of the way.

Chartered Firms

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Accredited Financial Planning Firms (AFPFs)

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Corporate Supporters

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Financial Planning Corporate Supporters

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Endorsed CPD Accreditation

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